
Thursday, 30 December 2010

new items from Tally Weijl (^^)

Mood: happy
Listening to: nothing

okay, two new items from tally weijl :D
of course pic aren't very good (_-_)"

I can't wait to wear them ^^"


Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Mood: happy and red xD
Listening to: nothing

okay okay okayyyy~
I died my hair a bit darker todayyyyy~
so it's really really nice lol

postanowienia noworoczne XD

Mood: sleepy
Listening to: Tohoshinki - Love in the ice

no dobra, jak co roku coś tam sobie postanawiam i nie dotrzymuję słowa (_-_)"
ale tym razem spróbuję wytrwać xD
no to zaczynam!

1. Zapuszczę TROCHĘ włosy. przynajmniej na taką długość, jaką miałam dopóki fryzjerka mnie nie skrzywdziła (~.~)"
2. Bardziej przykładać się do nauki. nie tylko japońskiego (chociaż głównie >>" )! Muszę się dostać przecież na drugi semestr, a potem na trzeci rok i dalej być w lepszej grupie z japońskiego ><; !
3. Regularnie przyjmować suplementy diety xD czasami zdarza mi się zapomnieć >.>;
4. Schudnąć i utrzymać wagę 43-45kg. teraz jest jakieś 47-48, ale że ja tyję od pasa w dół to ten.. nieciekawie >>"
5. Jeść mniej śmieciowego żarcia XD to bardzo się też odnosi do poprzedniego punktu hahaha. więcej wody, soków i mniej fast foodów ><"
6. Dokładnie przemyślać każdy zakup. Nie będę już kupowac 54584545 cienia do powiek czy coś, tylko dlatego, że ładne opakowanie czy coś (x_x)" Muszę zbierać pieniążki, i tak jestem biedną studentką D": a tu tatuaż czeka na skończenie i ogólnie jeszcze dużooooo mi trzeba >>'
7. GYARU GYARU GYARU! czyli ten, no... oj, wiadomo o co mi chodzi xD~ moje inspiracje nie mogą leżeć i kwiczeć, muszą mnie inspirować hahahah XD od tego są lol. będę bardziej kierować się EGG i Ranzuki (moje ukochane dwa pisemka :Dv ). kupować rzeczy must have i łączyć je z tymi, które już mam~! Lepiej opanuję zakładanie sztucznych rzęs i makijaż x: no i chyba pierwsze co zrobię po powrocie do wawy to założę sobie akryle >_>; jakoś mi ich brakuje lol. a że robię je sama, to zaoszczędzę ^^"

no, chwilowo nic więcej nie przychodzi mi do głowy więc kończę X:


Tuesday, 28 December 2010

short post

just wanted to try some "new" makeup. lol, "new" 'cause I've never tried a green makeup xD
so today, I tried it out!
(light in my room totally sucks -.-" )

it's not that bad I guess (o.o)" ....


I seriously

need a normal layout lol.
anyone would like to do one for me? pretty please ;3

Monday, 27 December 2010

new stuff (^^)

okay, just got some cheap stuff lol >_>;
'cause lack of money (_-_)"
but anyways I like them xD

Essence's Quattro eyeshadow
06 rock angel
(wanted to try some green makeup x: since my hair os orange now >>" )

new blush (^^)
10 adorable
(peach pink colour x: )

blush brush

okay, so that's all hahah xD


okay, got it XD I guess...

I cut one pair of my oldddddddd lashes into parts and I glued them in the outer corners of my eyes. at least I don't look like a transvestite lol (x.x)"

there they are lol


Saturday, 25 December 2010

hmmm :7

okay, here's my problem lol
I've never tried to wear them...
but well, lately.. I wanted to try.
and the result is pretty... hopelesssssss... (-.-)"
you either can't see any difference or think I'm a drag queen D":
maybe I just didn't find any right pair for my eyes...? (;_;)"

1. you can't see the difference (-.-)"

2. drag queen's look

mehhh... any help..? (=_=)"

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

camwhoring time~

okay, quality isn't good... ugh, I hate my laptop's cam (-.-)"
but anyways, for the first time I'm wearing fake lashes lol.
it's hard to get used to them (o.<)"

I look horrible I know XD and my hair sucks... I mean, bad haircut (T_T)"
I really can't wait for it to grow back to normal (T.T)'


Tuesday, 21 December 2010

... and again..

Kanako's pretty face (AND HAIR D'X ! ) makes me feel even more ugly (-.-)"
what to do with myself?! (x.x)"

Sunday, 19 December 2010

more orange haired gyaru/gyaruo!


just to make myself feel better, lol >_>"

I know she has red hair but still it's pure LOVE

back to orange!

yes, I'm back to my super bright orange hair lol
just too bad that my hair dresser cut my hair really bad but uhh..
I can't do anything with it now (x.x)"
anyways, my inspirations were:

D=OUT's Hikaru

and EGG's model Recchi

hehehe, love that tangerine shade of orange (^^)
just too bad I've bought my blue lenses for 6 months...
'cause I guess gray would look better (u.u)"


Tuesday, 14 December 2010

my latest inspirations~

okay, of course I have many many more. but these are my main inspirations (at least now ;3 ).
as you know (probably.... if you read my profile >.> ), I love to mix styles. 
boyish gal + vkei/oshare host + oshare/vkei musicians.

she is my inspiration in gyaru style. I love the way she looks and her coordinates. her make up is perfect too <3

D=OUT's Hikaru
musician. he's super cute and actually he made me change my hair colour from black to orange (haha, I didn't keep orange hair but still, it's a huge change for me!). I love his coordinates. I want to steal his clothes xP

Men's Knuckle's Kentarou
my favourite gyaruo model. his hair and clothes are always <3

Satsuki Senatti
host (^^) he is cute and his style is super oshare~

Irokui's Shuta
rock gyaruo? yes, indeed XD and a bit of vkei style. me likey XD

Irokui's Yu~ri
totally love his make up! (@.@)

well, another random post. 
meeehhh, I want springgggg (.____.)

from gyaru secrets xD

not even sometimes. ALL THE TIME lol xD
I'm a weirdo, I know~
but I'm not a girly gal and never will be xP

my orientation is STRAIGHT (-.-)
I prefer boys if anyone is wondering..... (-__-)

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


feeling sick and tired (-.-)

I'm after N5 btw, and to be honest I have no idea how did it go..
and uh, now I'm just sick.
some kind of flu I guess blahhh


but well, random thing now.
my wishlist has more... wishes (XD ) now.
it sucks so bad to be a poor student D':
and poor gyaru-wannabe lol >.>

well, I will listen to my Maya-san <3
she said that gyaru has to be in your heart.
I believe her 'cause she's my oneesan and my sensei and what's the most important she is a Japanese girl so she knows better than some.. western "know-it-all" girls who can only criticise people...
it's easy to judge people instead of giving them (GOOD!) advices ne.
btw, I'm not saying that every western gal is like that. but I've noticed that people who critize the mosta ren't gyaru at all or are really bad at it. orrrr just don't get the fact there are many types of gyaru fashion and not everyone has to look like Kumicky or Tsubasa Masuwaka to be a gal. most of gyaru try to mix stuff together and create their own look. just look at Nonoka (EGG) for example. Kaoru Watanabe isn't a typical barbie-like gyaru either.

follow gyaru trends girls, but don't change into someone's clone! check out what looks good at you and just wear it (^^)v

just some random thoughts... like always... (-x-)"


Tuesday, 30 November 2010

pics, part 2!

let's start from this, lol. generally it's for your feet and elbows. but it's totally one of the best cosmetics ever! I use it when it's really cold instead of my normal hand cream :3

Avon's kajal. navy/black. cheap, good quality and good colours :3

same kajal.

new nails!


oh, I so LOVE these lenses <3
