Hello, hello :D !
how are you doing? (ノ^∇^)
I'm okay, just getting tired of my stupid athyroidosis and getting fatter and fatter because of that (v_v)
you know, it really DOES SUCK when you can get fat just by... breathing..?
like, excersises don't work, diet neither.... I fucking hate this x_X;
but meh... I will try again!

some dietetic products I've bought lately!
fit caps diet suplement - they help (at least that's what they promise, lol) to achieve you your dream weight and keep it lol, we will see...
dietetic tea - with yerba mate, pu erh tea and green tea if I remember well...
slim figura's errr... how to call it o_O; a really... thin pudding..? something liek that. haven't tried this strawberry one yet. but this vanilla one was AWFUL! like if you were swallowing boogers BLAH JHVDJFAS D: don't buy it!
oshee slim water - lol?
and my fav beauty magazine XD "uroda" ("beauty")
I really want to lose some weight T_T

well, I think I will NEVER AGAIN buy bb creams from skin79
I have to buy this cheap super light foundation (miss sporty) to mix it with this bb cream...
it's stilla bit visible on my face but it looks better anyways _-_'

latest cosmetic buys from HEBE
taft volume hair spray
kallos' hair shampoo for coloured and dyed hair
some eye drops
olay's toner
some peel off mask >.>
and lol, this cream/gel for pain v.v'
lately something bad is going on with my spine so I couldn't really walk >.>
and this helps me at least >_o;

another small buys from this asian food store xD
kim chi soup, super yummy sweets <3 and udon xD

this is funny, it says that it has plum's taste and on the package is peach >.>
and they actually taste like peach xD om nom nom
you know I like to smoke x:

and from some time I was wondering about this whole e-cig x:
and I think it's more economical in my case >.>
so I asked my mom to buy me that for early birthday present ^^;;;;;

mine has mint liquid <3
tastes like marlboro's frost blue (or blue frost... I always forget xDDD )
wohohooooo! love it!!!!

random make up xD
I wanted to try this dark blue eyeshadow pigment x:
does it look good? or not really? >.>
lots of pics of my baby : D

because she's a little cute devil <3 !!!!
I wanted to write something more but I'm too lazy to upload pics now ^^;;;;;;;
so I will write about it some other time XDDD

so take care!
and see you next time :3 !!!!
