My dear Friends, I have a HUGE favor!
First of all, what would you like to see on my blog?

As you know, I can't really do much reviews, 'cause I'm just a poor student and I simply CAN'T afford buying cosmetics from brands such like MAC, Urban Decay or Dolly Wink (but I wish I could T-T ! ). That's why I can't even offer you any giveaway. So I'm trying to make my blog more interesting and hope for some sponsorship from cosmetic sites or those with circle lenses. Samples are okay too! So if you know how to help me, please tell me! Write it in the comment or send me an email (

I am trying my best to be gyaru and I mean it. I want to spread gyaru love all over my country and even the rest of the world :D ~! So please, tell me if I should continue this blog or just give up. I don't want to waste the space in the internet, I'm trying to be creative and do something that would interest or maybe even inspire people who check this blog. Let me know if my idea is worth sharing with anyone. I guess I need more followers to make this blog more popular, but I guess I don't know how to attract people (;_;)" mehhhh... such a stupid post ne..
Something happier now.
I'm going for three days to Cracov because my favorite band ever (Dir en grey \m/ !!!! ) will play there. So tomorrow I'm going to Warsaw aaand then with my friends to Cracov. I had to buy some bag, because I only own those really big ones lol.
And I got this XD seems cool and just perfect!
Also I had to buy a mirror, 'cause like 2 days ago I broke mine >_>;
And something surprising. I know that in my city some people sell cigarettes from Russia and they're cheaper than those in Poland normally XD So I decided to try them :D
I found these! Holy FUCK! Strawberry and Apple flavoured (*A*) !!!!! They're okay and smell so damn nice XD like a bubblegum (*3*)~!!!!! me likey <33
and some camwhoring!
Please help me if you see any future of this blog and even me as a blogger!
Love you~!
ReplyDeleteOd jakiegoś czasu obserwuje twojego bloga <3
Bardzo sie ciesze, że w tej szarej Polsce znalazła się jakaś gyaru! Uwielbiam ten styl i równie tak jak ty chcę go tu spopularyzować, że tak powiem xDDD
oczywiście, że powinnaś kontynuować tego bloga, bo robisz to dla siebie prawda :)))
i jabłkowe szlugi brzmią bosko *O*