Miru desu.
just wanted to share one of my thoughts with you

I've pierced my lip for the first time 7 years ago~
now I've got three piercings in my lip ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ
but I was thinking....
maybe instead of 3 I should make 1 but just in the middle?
what would actually suit me more? (→o←)ゞ
from yesterday
next to my house I saw a parked car, it's registration number starting with KYO *somenumbers* hahaha o(^▽^)o what a coincidence!
don't forget to add my instagram! miru0305 ('-^*)/
I KNOW I DIDN'T WRITE ABOUT HAIR AGAIN m(________ ________)m I'm deeply sorry!!!!
*bad blogger*
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