Friday, 27 April 2012
Hello my dears :3
I actually wanted to ask you a question ;D it might sound silly but I'm really curious about that...
I can't actually get a normal tan. my skin tone is just.... weird and it doesn't tan (o.ó)' besides, I have problem with varicose veins ( ; PL: żylaki)... it's just an early stage but both my parents have problems with that so I know it can get worse in my case too :7
what's more, you can't do many things when you have that problem, like TANNING for example >.<
but I want to be tanned D: ! I love sun beds (;_;)' .... but... what to do if I can't let my legs being exposed to the UV rays? any ideas HOW to do that (o.o); ??? shall I lay down on the sun bed in my pants or what xD'
lol, stupid post, I know.
love you,
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
MNY's Illegal Length mascara review + personal note
hello hello!
just like I promised! review of the newest Maybelline New York's mascara is here :D YAY!

it's the newest mascara from Maybelline New York and it's also written "fiber extentions" on the package. I was really surprised and I soooo wanted to have it :D since in Japan are many manyyyy mascaras with fiberwigs ^^
ready :D ?
aaaaaaan AFTER! (note: only upper lashes are coated with mascara!)
wow, I can actually see the difference (o3o) ! I didn't really expect much, because you know... (~A~); it could be like with BB creams... when you compare normal (read: made in Asia xD ) BB cream with this european version from Garnier (x.x); <-- which is a normal foundation btw
but here...
I'm positively surprised :D
+ relatively cheap
+ really makes your lashes LOOOONG ;3
+ you can buy it (probably o.o; ) everywhere
- it crumbles a bit :7
final oppinion?
I'd give this mascara 4,5/5 :D
okay, now it's the time for my personal note xP if you don't feel like reading it, you can just close the page (^_^)v
after trying and trying AND tryingggg I came to one conclusion. I really CAN'T be gyaru (o.o); I don't look like gyaru and I never will. same with make up. I'm allergic to eyelash adhesives >.< really... those with and without latex too... it makes me really sad actually because I don't have any alternative now (._.); I'm also wondering about the future of this blog... so, what should I do now? no idea...
I guess I will just watch and love it from the distance *sighs*
Monday, 23 April 2012
small pic spam + note about lenses
this is gonna be a small note with some pic spam actually xP
I should be actually studying for tomorrow's Culture Theory and japanese but ugh, I don't feel like doing this atm (x.x);;; *lazy*
food porn (^O^) !!!! I love ice creams and desserts from Grycan (polish company, yay! ) <333 from time to time it's good to spoil yourself with something like that <3 !!!
my faaaaavourite cigs EVER!
Djarum's cigs are mostly contaigning Dianthus (PL: goździki :DD ) that's why their smell is different. besides they have a few taste veriety. these are cherry <3 omg, so good! like a cherry chewing gum!
another random thing xD'
(everybody has their moments u.u; !)
palette's mousse color hair dye! this time I decided to buy dark blonde. I will try it in a week, I hope it will look good! (^-^)v
ahhh, my new mascara! you've probably heard about japanese mascaras with fiber wig extentions, ne?
maybelline has just made something similar!
and since I'm still having that stupid allergy to eyelash adhesives, I decided to try it!
review soon!
and something... weird lol
it's called "blemish extractor" and it's produced by Sephora.
I guess I should make a different post about it x:
okay, now some small note!
remember when I said that those geo princess mimi dry really fast?
here's the reason (I forgot to mention it before ><; !):
Water content: 38% - 42% (that's what producer says!)
it's really poor (;_;) ! I could wear my lenses for only 4-5 hours normally and then they began to get so DRY and uncomfortable D:
I bought some eyedrops which are really good!
price isn't small (30PLN) and you can use them for 2 months after you open the bottle.
but they really helped! now I can wear my bambi lenses for the whole day <3
important note!!!!!!!
if you're going to buy ANY eyedrops, be SURE they're for SOFT LENSES!
otherwise you may hurt your color contact lenses (;w;) !
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
geo princess mimi lenses review + random
Hello hello :D it's the time for the RIGHT post haha (^^)v
finally! my new lenses review :D ! and other random things, but let's start with review :3 !
Bambi Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown
I ordered my lenses from Eyecandy Lens :3
I've ordered lenses from them last time and I was really pleased with the products and stuff :3
my package contaned:
lenses :'D !
wear and care instruction
lens case
useful card where you can write when your lenses are going to expire
instruction was really pretty and colorful :3 I didn't take any better pics tho >.<
here it is!
this is how the lenses look like in normal day, without any flash or indoor lightning
my oppinion
comfort: 2/5
this is the worse CONS D: they're getting very dry quickly! I need to buy some good eye drops if I want to wear them for more than a few hours...
enlargement: 5/5
15.0mm is enough :D
design and color: 4,5/5
I love how do they blend even with my super bright eyes! besides that they give your eyes really dolly and a bit unnatural effect, but I like it.
buy them HERE
next thing ^^
today in my school we had a special guest which was Takahashi Tsubasa :D she's an artist/painter.
it was a nice lecture, Takahashi-san was really cute <3
I don't know if you can see that (enlarge the pic anyways ><; ) but she drew a cute kitty as her "hello" while Toho-sensei (on the left) was talking a bit about her life and art experience
:D !
it's the name of my school if someone was wondering ^^
one part of presentation. Takahashi-san showed us those... special foils that mangaka uses for the backgrounds in their manga
PL: z tego co się orientuję, po polsku to chyba są rastry..?
and she also gave us cards so we could try and draw just like her!
I'm not really good at drawing tho (^^);;;
so I just did that and at the end I gave it to her and thanked her very much for the lecture ^^
she's soooo niceeee and cute ahhh (;;w;;) !!!
and now the random thing X"D some time ago I bought this compact mirror and I thought it looked too plain... x:
I don't really do any deco stuff but at least I drew something on it :"D
that's all for now!
tag :D
I was tagged by Picasso_Esque :3
* Each tagged person must post seven to ten things about themselves.
* You have to choose and tag 7 people. (you can tag me but if you want :L)
* Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
* Have Fun.
1. I wish I was born Asian 0; lol, honestly. since I remember I wanted to have black hair and black/very dark brown eyes (._.)"
2. I'm rather a shy person, so I don't really go out on parties etc. I prefer to spend my time alone or with my good friends ^^
3. my room is just a huge MESS XD it's a CHAOS lol. my mom is always mad at me about that x;
4. I'm addicted to cosmetics. I seriously love to try new cosme! I wish I had more money for that!
5. my biggest love is Dir en grey <3 if someone says "music is my boyfriend" I could say "Dir en grey is my husband" ;D
6. I'm trying to become a great gyaru but I suck and it makes me feel really down lol >.>
7. I hate liars. I know everybody lies sometimes, but when it's a big lie or just something totally annoying (when you know the truth) it's UNACCEPTABLE!
I'm tagging everyone who read this ;D
later I will post some promised entry but now I'm too lazy and too sleepy somehow lol (x.x);
Sunday, 15 April 2012
parapara everyone!
hello my loves!
I know, I know... this entry should be about my new circle lenses but I was so lazy this weekend (v.v)" I promise to make it tomorrow!
anyways! do you like to dance? welllllll? ;D
me... hm... I actually hate it LOL XD even watching it makes me dizzy and I fall asleep lolololol honestly X"D BUT! I have to admit that I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee parapara <3 even tho I totally suck at this, I love it :D ! I love watching it and I'm trying to learn some easy routines (it's not easy when you don't have a big mirror in your room -_-' ) (v.v);;; .... I can show you my favourite ones for the begginers :D'
of course I have many more fav routines but these are the easiest ones :3
do you like parapara? maybe you do dance para? or maybe you even create your own routines like Pin (last routine :3 )?
Thursday, 12 April 2012
and what about that (pic heavy!)
hello :3
how are you doing guys? (^^)
this will be another hair post ;3
so, you know already that I've changed my hair color to middle blonde (^^)v I'm actually very happy with that haha~ but I think it's a bit too light for me and kinda "hides" my face features. I'm not sure what to do yet. I only know that I'm not going to dye my hair veryyy dark again BUT maybe I will change it to dark blonde or light brown.
what do you think?
what's more, I was also wondering about getting a fringe x: I really reallyyyyy love fringes but I remember that it was hmm... sometimes it was a pain in the ass xD you know, like when the wind blows on your face or when it's rainy and your hair gets frizzy... not to mention concerts when (I will use Usagi's words :3 ) "the fringe lives it's own life". but on the other hand it looks so nice (;-;)'
on the contrary there's lots of gals who look great without or with - let's say - "half" fringe x:
I'm wondering about that because some time ago I decided to let my whole hair + fringe grow and then "we will see". aand now my fringe is really annoying xD it's neither short nor long and just soooo javjcscjsj XD you got it, right? ^^"
so, this and hair color are my dillemmas for today ;P
I got my new lenses and now I'm testing them :D review this weekend!
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